The story of Moses is really interesting, because it happens hundreds of years after Jacob and the regime that ruled Egypt in Jacobs time. Holding to the theme of the bible thus far, God picks Moses to undertake the task of freeing the Hebrews from Egyptian bondage. Of course Moses is very fearful of undertaking the task, considering that he had just left for killing a guard that was beating a Hebrew. But with God's divine influence and some compromises (God had to display powers to Moses, and finally got upset with him and told him to bring Aaron, since at least he could speak fluently) it is able to get Moses to travel back to Egypt and teach them a lesson. The really interesting part of this story is that God decides to harden the Pharaohs heart, so that he will not yield to Moses' will. God obviously had it out for the Egyptians when he took away the Pharaohs free will to answer. It seems to go against the contemporary idea of the choice between good and evil. There is also a lot of questioning of God's abilities in the story as well. Every time the Hebrews get into a bad situation, their like, well Moses what are we going to do now? It is interesting that within the first book of the bible that people have already forgot the power of God and he needs to come back to show his dominance. Moses even has to ask God what his name is, so that when they ask who the hell he's talking about he can say.... But in God's ultimate wisdom he quotes, "I AM WHO I AM, " or I'm everything as I take it. This story really pushes the idea that people easily forget that it is God that gives them life and it is God that can take it away. Even after all the things God grants the Israelites they still defy him at every chance that they get.
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